Hopkins Homes Complaints Number and Email

You are a customer of Hopkins Homes and use their services then you may had any problems with their services have in the future. So here we provided complaints number and address of Hopkins Homes for you.

Complaint department & Corporate office detail

Official Website hopkinshomes.co.uk
Complaint number UK 01394 446802
Complaint email address customerservices@hopkinshomes.co.uk
Office address 1st and 2nd Floor, Blenheim House, Newmarket Road,
Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3SB, United Kingdom
Head office number 01284 530066

How to make a complaints for Hopkins Homes?

All complaints are handled internally by Hopkins Homes, and here we provide grievance redressal numbers and other information for customers to take their grievances to any regulatory body.

Having said that, Hopkins Homes takes customer complaints very seriously, and customers should attempt to resolve their concerns with the Customer Service team first. Call the company’s customer service Hopkins Homesatives at 01284 530066 or send them an email at info@hopkinshomes.co.uk. They will typically address the complaint within the same working day.

Different ways to complaint Hopkins Homes

Call the Hopkins Homes complaint line on 01394 446802. If you have an any complaint regarding service and other queries.

Here are the second ways to make a compliant via Hopkins Homes complaint email on – customerservices@hopkinshomes.co.uk.

If you have failed to complaint by number and email, you can may also complaint after through his social media account such as, Hopkins Homes Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn etc.

Contact via Support Form: Support Form

Corporate Office Address: 1st and 2nd Floor, Blenheim House, Newmarket Rd, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3SB, UK

Headquarters Email: info@hopkinshomes.co.uk

How can I contact Hopkins Homes ?

If you searching contact for Hopkins Homes, so you are on the right place. Because In this article, we have provided a list of Hopkins Homes technical support numbers. You can call Hopkins Homes head office 01284 530066 phone given here and solve your queries.

If you would like to make Hopkins Homes complaint, please contact us via Contact Us page on website.

Hopkins Homes provides customers with the best possible service. If you haven’t received the service you expected, you have the right to make a complaint.

Hopkins Homes Opening Hours

Day Opening Hours Closing Hours
Monday 9.00 AM 4.30 PM
Tuesday 9.00 AM 4.30 PM
Wednesday 9.00 AM 4.30 PM
Thursday 9.00 AM 4.30 PM
Friday 9.00 AM 4.30 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
About us

Hopkins Homes is the largest privately-owned housebuilder in East Anglia, recognised for meticulous planning, premium design, and a commitment to sustainable development.

The company was established in 1993 by James Hopkins as a family-run housebuilder based in Suffolk and later acquired by Terra Firma, a leading European investment firm.

This successful acquisition saw the company move from one family-run business to another, with the Hands Family Office being the cornerstone investor of Terra Firma.

See Also: Represent Complaints Number


Q. Who is the CEO of Hopkins homes co UK?

A. Duncan Jackson has been appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer of Hopkins Homes.

Q. Who took over Hopkins Homes?

A. Hopkins Homes is delighted to announce that Terra Firma, a leading private equity investment firm, has completed its acquisition of Hopkins Homes.

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